Thursday, May 17, 2007

a stray track

For those that don’t read the comments, thanks to Cooper here’s another treat, Lee Hazlewood’s B-side from the single Greyhound Bus Depot, 1969:
Trouble Maker [320kbps LHI-20 B-side]
another classic of Hazlewood irony
This file has been carefully de-clicked from the original posted by Cooper,
hence the different link...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was very interesting to compare the two mp3s: the original one and the one you provided that's been de-clicked. I liked the result.

Can I ask what software you use to declick music ripped from vinyl?

All the best, Stu

5:41 am, May 19, 2007  
Blogger benito X said...

I use Click Repair, a cross platform Java app. It's brilliant because it doesn't apply a blanket filter to the sound file, only changing specific samples based on parameters you set. Even so I tend to use it manually rather than with the automatic settings because certain sounds (and Lee Hazlewood's sonorous voice in particular) are seen as anomalies. This can be very time consuming but for perfectionists the results are satisfying because you can see the rest of the sound is unmodified... There's a one month unrestricted trial period by which time you won't be able to live without it!

9:52 am, May 19, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot for answering and giving this tip!! Will check it out.

Stu :))

2:33 am, May 20, 2007  
Blogger R. said...

I'd like to say thanks as well for this smashing tip, Benito X. I'm in the process of trying out the software right now and the results are promising.

I have until today been very anti digital vinyl repair because what I've heard so far normally degrades the listening experience.

Again, thank you!

12:23 am, May 28, 2007  

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